14 April 2021 - 1 minutes of reading
The kitchen, the beating heart of the home
In every home, the kitchen is the volcanic center of the home, the place to nourish the body, but also the soul, sharing good times with family and friends. A corner where you can recharge with a good breakfast, create new recipes, welcome friends, plan holidays, dream ...
We at Epic are well aware of the importance of this special place.
This is why we create ceramic countertops and coverings for the kitchen: practical, durable and attractive solutions, suitable for different lifestyles.
Calacatta Top is one of our best sellers, because it is simple, but at the same time elegant and refined, it never tires. White with soft gray veins and a touch of gold conquers at first glance!
Calacatta Top is the best solution because it combines aesthetics and functionality: it is a waterproof material, resistant to fire, scratches, acids and easy to maintain.
Choose Epic: we offer you solidity, safety and high performance, for a kitchen ready to respond, 24 hours a day, to the challenges of big and small chefs.
Find out more about the Calacatta top nuance, available with a natural and glossy finish: https://www.epicsurface.com/it/calacatta-top/